Ten Tips for Great Kids
Find out what it means to me . . . . . R E S P E C T
If you teach your child respect at the earliest age possible
Respect of self
Respect of others
Respect of things
You will lay a solid foundation and everything else will fall into place.
Please and thank you
If you instill words of appreciation as soon as they begin speaking and constantly remind your child every time they go unspoken, you will have a child who
Has good manners
Is courteous
Shows appreciation
Your child will grow up believing this is a normal function of life.
Not just how was your day
If you include detailed questions during conversations from the moment your child begins to talk, like
What was the favorite thing you learned today?
What did you play at recess?
Who did you play with?
Your child will grow up knowing this is normal conversation and will not think you’re prying. As your child gets older the questions get more intense. NEVER be afraid, embarrassed or ashamed to talk about anything.
Young eyes can open eyes
If you see things through your child’s eyes your child can actually become your teacher
Listen to what they are saying
Look at what they are pointing to
Watch their favorite TV show with them
Your child will grow up wanting to share things with you and along the way you will learn a lot too.
Sing, dance and get a little goofy
If you let your hair down and
Tell some jokes
Make up songs
Dance around the room
The laughter will begin. It’s not only contagious but it feels great too. Your child will have fun and will want to spend time with you.
The Simpson’s are alright to watch sometimes
If you enjoy a primetime show occasionally allow your child to watch with you. By doing so
They won’t become curious
They won’t become sneaky
They won’t be tempted to lie
Watching together, you can control what is viewed and explain what they are seeing. Better your message shared with your child then from a friend who most likely would give the wrong one.
Tough love can be good love
If you stick to your guns (even though it may be tough) and set boundaries for your child, like
Saying no when you know what’s best
Taking the toy or privilege away “if they do it one more time”
Daring to be disliked if it’s for their protection (you won’t be disliked for too long)
With accountability and gentle guidance your child will become strong and prepared to deal with life’s hardships.
Do as I say, Do as I do
If you remember your child is always watching
What you say
How you say it
How you react to every situation
You can be the best role model your child will ever have. They will repeat everything you say and do, especially when you are not looking.
Now I lay me down to sleep
If you lie in bed and say nightly prayers with your child you will teach them
The importance of faith
They are never alone
They can voice their concerns and thanks
After prayers take a few moments to lay with you child. Some of the best conversations you’ll ever have occur just before bed and you will hear what’s on your child’s heart.
Be Verbal
If you want to hear kind words from your child you must say them first
Give compliments
Say you’re sorry
Say I love you
Your child will not only feel proud, loved and forgiven, they in turn will return the favor because it will become part of their normal behavior too.
All of these tips can be summarized below:
Feel it, show it, speak it
Love your child
Love yourself
Love your life
It’s just that simple.

Mother's Day - Beautiful Day